Motorbike accident on the city street.

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Top Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Illinois

Motorcycle Accident Statistics in Illinois Compared to those riding inside cars or trucks, motorcyclists are generally at far greater risk for serious injuries from accidents. In 2020, 82,528 motorcycle riders were injured in accidents. Illinois had 153 accidents that year, out of which 13% were fatal. The high number of people who sustain injuries while riding motorcycles indicates the dangers that riders face. 35% of fatalities involving motorcycles occur at intersections, which are considered to be high-risk areas for motorcyclists....

Truck vs. Car Accident Statistics in Illinois

Truck vs. Car Accident Statistics in Illinois Nearly 300,000 motor vehicle crashes occur annually in Illinois alone. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, 295,604 motor vehicle crashes were recorded in 2021. Out of these collisions, 12,040 involved tractor-trailers and 9,261 involved single-unit trucks, such as delivery trucks. While truck accidents make up a fairly small percentage of all car accidents, a crash with a commercial vehicle can have severe or fatal consequences compared to a crash between two cars....

Jobs With the Most Workplace Accidents In Peoria, Illinois

Top 10 Dangerous Jobs While the Illinois death rate (825.3 deaths per 100,000 residents) is higher than that of the death rate of work-related accidents, workplace accidents are still a concern. Some occupations have a higher likelihood of work-related accidents than others. Here’s a breakdown of the top 10 dangerous jobs: Transportation and Warehousing The transportation and warehousing industry usually deal with moving and storing materials that can be dangerous or heavy. A worker can do everything right, but still...

What Are the 5 Most Common Causes of Workplace Accidents in Bloomington?

5 Most Common Causes of Workplace Accidents Some of the most common causes of accidents in the workplace include: Overexertion and Fatigue Engaging in physical activity for prolonged periods can be exhausting and pose a risk of accidents relating to physical exertion, such as lifting, bending, pulling, pushing, and kneeling. Even jobs that don't require individuals to lift heavy loads can pose a health risk if proper lifting techniques are not practiced. The most costly workplace injuries resulting from overexertion...

Questions to Ask When Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer

When to Hire a Truck Accident Attorney Because of the massive size and weight of large commercial trucks, trucking accidents often result in severe injuries. Since personal injury cases usually involve substantial amounts of money, insurance companies fight harder to defend claims. Without a truck accident lawyer, you can expect to go up against teams of attorneys, insurance adjusters, and investigators on your own. In most cases, the question is not whether to hire an attorney, but when. If you are...

Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck Crashes Are Different from Car Accidents A semi-truck accident case is unlike a typical car accident case in many ways.  First, the massive size of commercial trucks, which often weigh approximately 80,000 pounds when fully loaded, means truck crash injuries are generally more severe than those caused by car accidents.  Second, assigning liability to all liable parties is more challenging in a trucking accident because of the various parties that may be involved.  Lastly, truck drivers and large trucking...

Champaign Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney

How Does Fault Impact a Settlement for Motor Vehicle Accident Victims? Illinois follows a modified comparative negligence structure when awarding compensation in car accident claims. Comparative negligence structures allow victims of motor vehicle accidents to recover damages after car crashes even if they contributed to the car accident, as long as they are less than 50% at fault. The victim’s settlement will be reduced by his or her percentage of fault, however. For example, if a motor vehicle accident victim...

What Is Considered a Catastrophic Injury in Bloomington?

A catastrophic injury is any injury that causes life-changing side effects. These injuries are usually sustained suddenly, and often take the form of a severe injury to the spinal cord, spine, or brain, severe burns, amputations, or organ damage. If you’ve been in an accident and your injuries fall into one of these categories, a personal injury lawyer in Bloomington may help you understand what is considered a catastrophic injury, and whether you have grounds to sue. What Is a Catastrophic...

Springfield Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney

Do I Need a Springfield Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney? If you were hurt in a crash, and the at-fault party’s insurance company is refusing to offer you a fair settlement, you need to hire a motor vehicle accident attorney right away. Although Illinois law does not require you to have legal representation when you file your motor vehicle accident claim, studies show that plaintiffs recover up to three times more when they have a lawyer on their side. The motor...

Springfield Personal Injury Lawyer

What Is a Springfield Personal Injury Lawsuit? In a personal injury lawsuit, the plaintiff (or victim) sues the defendant (the at-fault party) for the harms that the defendant caused. For example, in a car accident, you sue the at-fault driver for causing the accident, seeking to recoup your losses. Often, the parties settle the personal injury dispute without the case ever going to trial. Our Springfield Personal Injury Lawyers Have Seen it All The Springfield personal injury lawyers at Strong...
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