damaged truck tire after tire explosion at high speed

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109 Results Found

What Causes a Tire Blowout?

What Are the Most Common Causes of Tire Blowouts? Drivers should be alert and aware of the potential causes of tire blowouts, as they can be a major road hazard. The following sections investigate the most common types of blowouts and how they cause accidents. Under-Inflation Driving with underinflated tires creates a risk because the low pressure can increase sidewall stress. When there is excess flex and pressure on the sidewalls, it causes the area to overheat. The heat plays hob...

Champaign Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney

How Does Fault Impact a Settlement for Motor Vehicle Accident Victims? Illinois follows a modified comparative negligence structure when awarding compensation in car accident claims. Comparative negligence structures allow victims of motor vehicle accidents to recover damages after car crashes even if they contributed to the car accident, as long as they are less than 50% at fault. The victim’s settlement will be reduced by his or her percentage of fault, however. For example, if a motor vehicle accident victim...

What Are Third-Party Insurance Claims?

What Is a Third-Party Insurance Claim? To understand what a third-party insurance claim is, it helps to understand exactly what insurance does, and what third-party insurance is. A person holds an insurance policy, by paying an insurance premium each month to an insurance company. The insurance company then provides a guarantee of compensation in the event of loss, damage, illness, injury, or death. The job of the insurance company is to collect premiums, hold the money, and distribute it to...

Can You Sue for Chronic Pain Syndrome After an Accident in Bloomington?

Can You Sue for Chronic Pain Syndrome After an Accident in Bloomington? Some people may question why they continue to suffer from excruciating agony years after being involved in a car accident, even if there may not have been any outward signs of physical harm at the time of the event. The good news in these situations is that you can sue for chronic pain syndrome after an accident in Bloomington.  In the aftermath of an accident, a Bloomington personal...

How to Prove Fault After a DUI Accident in Illinois

Elements Needed to Prove Fault After a DUI Accident In Illinois, a driver who is at fault must compensate a victim for damages arising out of any accidents. However, just because a person is driving under the influence does not always establish that they were at fault. To establish fault, you need to prove four elements. These four elements are a duty of care, breach of that duty of care, causation, and damages. Duty of Care Whether a duty of...

How to File a Lawsuit for Chronic Pain Syndrome

Can You File a Lawsuit for Chronic Pain Syndrome? You can sue for chronic pain syndrome arising from an injury caused by another person’s negligence. Chronic pain syndrome can develop directly from personal injury accidents like car accidents, workplace injuries, bicycle accidents, slips and falls, dog bites, or medical malpractice. It can also develop from various injuries caused by personal injury accidents. These injuries include traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury, broken or fractured bones, and other severe injuries. ...

Springfield Personal Injury Lawyer

What Is a Springfield Personal Injury Lawsuit? In a personal injury lawsuit, the plaintiff (or victim) sues the defendant (the at-fault party) for the harms that the defendant caused. For example, in a car accident, you sue the at-fault driver for causing the accident, seeking to recoup your losses. Often, the parties settle the personal injury dispute without the case ever going to trial. Our Springfield Personal Injury Lawyers Have Seen it All The Springfield personal injury lawyers at Strong...

What Is Distracted Driving?

What Is Distracted Driving? The Three Types of Distracted Driving There are 3 types of distracted driving: visual, manual, and cognitive. Each type of distracted driving carries risks, and some activities can be especially hazardous because the activity involves more than one type at a time. Visual Distractions Visual distractions are activities that cause the driver to cease looking out of the windshield or paying attention to where he or she is going. Examples of activities in the visual category of...

Neck Injury Lawyer

We Fight Hard to Obtain Maximum Compensation for Neck Injuries If you injured your neck on the job or in a car accident caused by someone else's negligence, you deserve compensation for your losses. Working with an aggressive injury and accident lawyer can improve your chances of obtaining the workers' compensation benefits or personal injury settlement you deserve. Neck Injury Lawyers Protecting the Rights of Injured People Throughout Central and Northern Illinois ​From offices in Peoria, Chicago, Springfield and Bloomington,...

What is Offsite Workers’ Comp?

In this case, the woman's job as director of investments' required that she market and promote her employer's business in the local community. In preparation for an annual business expo, she needed to purchase a rug for her employer's booth. As she was on her way to the store to purchase a rug, the director was in a car crash. The arbitrator who heard her workers' compensation claim granted her workers' compensation benefits. The Workers' Compensation Commission agreed that the...
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