28 Jun, 2024

How Much Do Auto Accident Lawyers Charge?

Author Todd A. Strong

You may be wondering, “how much do auto accident lawyers charge?” if you have sustained an injury due to another motorist’s negligence. There is no standard fee that a lawyer in Peoria and Chicago, Illinois, will charge you to handle your auto accident claim or lawsuit. The legal fees depend on the details and circumstances of your car accident case.

Most car accident lawyers in Illinois follow a contingency fee structure. This fee structure means a client pays only after obtaining a settlement or compensation. Besides contingency fee arrangements, some lawyers may require you to pay a flat fee, and others may charge an hourly fee. Carefully review the fee structure and ensure it is the right fit for your situation before hiring a lawyer.

At Strong Law Offices, we have seasoned car accident lawyers who can maximize your chances of getting compensation. Call 309-688-5297 to schedule a free consultation.

Man with hand in sling talking to insurance broker after workplace injury, how much do auto accident lawyers charge
Man with hand in sling talking to insurance broker after workplace injury, how much do auto accident lawyers charge

What Are the Different Fee Structures Attorneys Offer?

Attorneys may offer their services under a variety of fee structures, including:

Contingency Fee

A contingency fee arrangement is the most common pricing structure among car accident lawyers. This structure allows you to receive legal services without paying any money upfront. The lawyer only gets paid if you receive a payout after winning the case. In other words, your lawyer will not get any legal fees if you lose the case.

The percentage that a lawyer deducts from your compensation is usually between 25% and 40%. The standard contingent fee percentage in Illinois is 33%. For instance, if your lawyer recovers $120,000 in your case while working on a 33% contingency fee agreement, the lawyer will get $40,000 as legal fees.

The nature of the case and the stage at which the case resolves are some factors that may influence the percentage a lawyer will charge in a contingency fee arrangement. A case that requires more time, effort, and resources to resolve will attract a higher percentage. Likewise, a case that requires you to file a third-party insurance claim or resolves through a jury verdict will result in a higher contingency fee percentage.

Flat Fees

This pricing structure involves lawyers charging a one-time fee for their services. It provides a cost from the onset, avoiding the financial unpredictability of more open-ended pricing models. It also allows clients to plan for legal costs with ease.

Flat-fee structures are, however, rare in auto accident claims or lawsuits. The reason is that car accident cases usually involve aggressive settlement talks and unexpected setbacks that can make it hard to predict the amount of work and resources needed.

A lawyer may use a flat-fee structure for straightforward issues like negotiating a simple claim with an insurer. Ask your lawyer whether this arrangement can apply to your case.

Hourly Rates

An hourly rate is another billing structure where the lawyer charges a specific amount for each hour he or she spends handling your car accident case. This option allows you to cover the cost of the work done.

Hourly rates are less common in auto accident cases because fees can pile up fast. This is especially true if the case lasts longer than expected or unforeseeable complexities arise.

An hourly fee structure could be ideal for your case if you require limited legal support. A good example is when you need the help of a lawyer to draft a demand letter or review a settlement offer from the liable driver’s insurance company.

Retainer Fee

A retainer fee is a down payment you make for future legal assistance. Lawyers calculate this fee by multiplying their hourly fees by the estimated number of hours a case may require. You will deposit some funds in a dedicated account to cover a number of hours. The lawyer will then collect legal fees from that account as he or she works on your case.

You may need to deposit another amount if more time is required. Additional fees may also be deducted from the settlement or court award.

Hybrid Fee Structure

A hybrid fee structure is a blend of multiple billing methods. A lawyer may, for instance, require you to pay a fixed fee upfront to start working on your case and then deduct a percentage from the compensation you receive after a successful insurance claim or lawsuit.

Additional Costs to Consider

Besides legal fees, there are other additional expenses incurred in pursuing your car accident case. The most common additional costs to consider include:

Case Investigation Costs

You must prove that the other party was liable for the car accident to secure compensation. You must also prove you were not at fault in the car accident to maximize your compensation. A comprehensive investigation is necessary to achieve these objectives.

This investigation may involve getting a copy of a police report, interviewing witnesses, compiling photo and video evidence, and hiring an accident reconstruction team. These activities are essential for building a strong case, but are costly.

Administrative Costs

Administrative costs constitute daily expenses incurred in handling your case. They can range from copying and postage to legal research and case preparation. Straightforward and short cases often result in lower administrative expenses. These costs can, however, increase significantly in cases that linger in court for years.

Deposition Fees

A deposition is a testimony made before trial and recorded by a court reporter. Depositions often occur outside the courtroom. You will be responsible for paying for the court reporter’s time if you request a deposition. You will also pay for the transcript copy. Deposition fees can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars for a session lasting several hours.

Court Fees

Court fees constitute the cost of filing the paperwork, bringing pre-trial motions, and paying for jury service in the event of a jury trial. They also include the cost of delivering legal documents to the defendant.

You may need to obtain a transcript of in-court testimony from the court reporter. The cost per page for this crucial document can be between $2 and $4. So, expect a copy of a full-day in-court testimony to cost you up to $400.

Expert Witness Fees

Your car accident case may require an expert witness to explain certain aspects and strengthen your claim. A medical practitioner may, for instance, testify about the impact of your injuries on your ability to work and perform everyday activities.

A financial professional may determine how much is enough to cover your lost earnings or lost or reduced earning potential. An accident reconstructionist can recreate the scene of an auto accident and explain how the crash happened and who caused it.

Expert witnesses are usually costly to hire, as they often charge hourly fees to review your case and compile a report. The cost can rise if your case requires multiple expert witnesses to testify at trial in person.

Miscellaneous Costs

This category comprises travel expenses incurred by your lawyer when commuting to and from court and accommodation expenses. These costs may not be immediately obvious, but can increase over time. Request your lawyer to outline all possible miscellaneous expenses and how the lawyer addresses them in the fee structure.

Can You Negotiate Fees With Your Lawyer?

There is often room to lower the legal fees and free up some money, regardless of the fee structure that a lawyer follows. So, knowing how to negotiate fees with your lawyer can guarantee you a decent and budget-friendly legal representation. The following are effective tips for negotiating legal fees:

Familiarize Yourself With the Fee Structure

Start by understanding the billing method used by your lawyer. As previously mentioned, contingent fee structure is the most common billing method for car accident lawyers in Illinois. The best way to learn how this fee arrangement works is to consult your lawyer. Initial consultations are usually free for most accident lawyers. You should, however, ask your lawyer about this before the session.

Compile All Relevant Documents and Carry Them With You

Assemble all documents related to your case before your appointment with the lawyer. These documents include police reports, crash scene pictures and videos, medical records, wage or earning statements, and other relevant documentation.

Be sure to carry all those documents with you to your first appointment. Doing this will enable your lawyer to understand your case without spending time assembling relevant documents and information.

Request the lawyer to reduce the legal fees if you have provided the lawyer with most or all of the documents and information related to your case. The lawyer may accept to reduce the cost of legal service due to the significant time and effort you have saved him or her.

Push for a lower fee arrangement even if you have not compiled any documents or information. It is hard for a lawyer to offer to lower the fee without a request from a prospective client. Your lawyer may accept to lower the legal fee if the lawyer believes your case is solid and likely to yield a favorable outcome.

Request a Lower Fee for a Settlement-Only Case

Push for a two-part contingent fee arrangement if your case is strong enough to resolve through settlement negotiations with the insurer. You could propose a 25% fee if your lawyer secures an acceptable settlement without filing a lawsuit. You could also propose a 35% fee if the lawyer has to file a lawsuit and prepare for trial before obtaining a just settlement.

Negotiate for a Reduced Fee Based on Settlement Amount

You could negotiate for a contingent fee structure based on the recovery amount if you think your claim is less likely to result in a substantial recovery. You can, for instance, request the lawyer to deduct a 25% fee for $15,000 or less in settlement and 30-33% for a payout worth more than $15,000.

Request a Sliding-Scale Fee Arrangement

Push for a sliding scale fee structure if you believe your case may generate a huge settlement or compensation amount. This fee arrangement enables you to keep a huge chunk of the recovery amount, while the lawyer still gets paid well for the legal support and representation.

You may, for instance, agree that your lawyer will take 33% of the first $250,000 recovered. The amount entitled to the lawyer will then drop to 20% of any recovery between $250,000 and $500,000. You could also add that the lawyer can receive only 10% of any recovered amount above $500,000.

Ensure Your Fee Agreement Is in Writing

Once you have successfully negotiated the legal fees with your lawyer, have the details of the agreement in writing. A written agreement outlining the work involved, and corresponding fees, can avoid problems in the future.

What an Auto Accident Lawyer Can Do for You

The first thing an auto accident lawyer will do for you is determine if you have a legal basis to claim damages. This determination will involve analyzing the details and evidence related to your case during an initial consultation.

If the lawyer determines you are eligible to claim damages and agrees to take on your case, the lawyer will gather compelling evidence to prove all elements of negligence. Traffic camera footage, police reports, witness statements, medical records, detailed documentation of your injuries, and expert witness statements can be instrumental in proving negligence.

Your lawyer will determine how much your damages are worth by adding up all monetary and non-monetary losses. He or she will examine your medical records to estimate future medical costs.

Your lawyer will send a settlement demand package that accounts for the full scope of your injuries and losses to the insurance company. He or she will push for a reasonable settlement during negotiations with the insurer.

The lawyer will move your case to trial if the insurance company fails to make a reasonable settlement offer. The lawyer will then use every legal strategy on his or her sleeve to convince the court to rule in your favor and award the highest possible compensation.

Car accident lawyers at Strong Law Offices have a demonstrated record of winning car accident cases in Illinois. They also do not charge any fee unless you recover compensation. Contact us for a free consultation.

About The Author

Personal Injury Lawyer Todd A. Strong Illinois workers’ compensation and personal injury lawyer Todd A. Strong is the founder of Strong Law Offices in Peoria, Illinois. Todd brings considerable legal knowledge, experience, and skill to the table to ensure injured victims throughout the state are treated with respect, dignity, and fairness.
Years of Experience: More than 20 years
Illinois Registration Status: Active
Bar & Court Admissions: Illinois State, 1994
U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois, 1994
U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, 2022
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Illinois, 2023

About The Author

Personal Injury Lawyer Todd A. Strong Illinois workers’ compensation and personal injury lawyer Todd A. Strong is the founder of Strong Law Offices in Peoria, Illinois. Todd brings considerable legal knowledge, experience, and skill to the table to ensure injured victims throughout the state are treated with respect, dignity, and fairness.
Years of Experience: More than 20 years
Illinois Registration Status: Active
Bar & Court Admissions: Illinois State, 1994
U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois, 1994
U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, 2022
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Illinois, 2023