18 Dec, 2021

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Death Claims

Author Todd A. Strong

The loss of a loved one in a tragic accident is something that no amount of compensation can ever justify. While the insurance company may seem sympathetic, the reality is they are not on your side. It is important to work with a lawyer who will stand up for you and protect your rights.

Strong Law Offices is here to provide the support you need. Our lawyers have been representing workers for years. We represent people throughout Central Illinois in workers’ comp and personal injury claims. Our firm only represents people who have been injured; we never stand up for the insurance company or employers.​

Statement of death claim form on a wooden surface
Statement of death claim form on a wooden surface

Illinois Death and Dependency Claims

We take a highly personalized approach to working with families in workers’ comp death and dependency claims. Our attorneys will explain all steps of the process of obtaining benefits and be there to provide the support and guidance you need.

​In dependency claims, we will immediately evaluate the case to determine if there is third-party negligence (meaning we examine to see if anyone outside of the employer is responsible for the accident). If there is a third-party claim, we can pursue additional money. In Illinois death benefits are capped at a certain amount, so the steps taken in evaluating a third-party claim are important.

Types of Workers’ Compensation Death Claims

​There are several types of dependency death claims in Illinois workers’ compensation claims:

  • spousal dependency,
  • a child’s loss,
  • a parent’s loss.

They all have potentially available recovery for the loss of a loved one who provided financial support.

We will utilize all available resources, including qualified investigators, to look at the facts of the case. Our goal is to help our clients get the maximum amount of compensation for the loss of a loved one (check wrongful death) in a workplace accident.

​Contact Our Wrongful Death Attorneys

Please contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. We can be reached by phone at 309-688-5297, or online via email. Our firm has office locations in Peoria, Bloomington, Springfield, and Chicago, Illinois. Consultations can be scheduled at any of our office locations. We handle all workers’ comp cases on a no-win, no-fee basis.

About The Author

Personal Injury Lawyer Todd A. Strong Illinois workers’ compensation and personal injury lawyer Todd A. Strong is the founder of Strong Law Offices in Peoria, Illinois. Todd brings considerable legal knowledge, experience, and skill to the table to ensure injured victims throughout the state are treated with respect, dignity, and fairness.
Years of Experience: More than 20 years
Illinois Registration Status: Active
Bar & Court Admissions: Illinois State, 1994
U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois, 1994
U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, 2022
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Illinois, 2023

About The Author

Personal Injury Lawyer Todd A. Strong Illinois workers’ compensation and personal injury lawyer Todd A. Strong is the founder of Strong Law Offices in Peoria, Illinois. Todd brings considerable legal knowledge, experience, and skill to the table to ensure injured victims throughout the state are treated with respect, dignity, and fairness.
Years of Experience: More than 20 years
Illinois Registration Status: Active
Bar & Court Admissions: Illinois State, 1994
U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois, 1994
U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, 2022
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Illinois, 2023